Today we’d like to introduce you to Allison A Muhammad.
It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?
I am a mother of 4, wife, CEO of Sacred Love Academy and mentor for young girl. I have lived in Atlanta, GA for over 20 years though I am a native of a small town in Mississippi. I grew up on the land with my parents, grandparents, and a host of aunts, uncles and cousins. I noticed from a very young age that I was different from most of my cousins and friends. I learned a lot about womb care from my great grandmother because I was the only one fascinated with healing and what they called back then “laying on the hands”. I was very sensitive to energy and attuned to nature. I really loved being close to nature as a child and really enjoyed my own company. Because I was alone a lot I would study nature and energy. I learned how to apply the are of ancient healing to modern science. This really set the stage for my current career as the #1 womb healer in Atlanta and me having a successful Coaching Business. I never accepted limitation. The Earth always provided. All you needed was a seed (thought) water (inspiration) and sunshine (some doingness) and there was production (the manifestation of your desire) and I use this concept in every aspect of my life. Now I teach my clients how to pull from the infinity and manifest their desires. If you can envision it, you can receive it.
I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?
1. Being Authentically Me!!! My biggest challenge was to try to fit into the current thought patterns in the marketplace. I would look at what others were doing and try to duplicate it. This was so WRONG! Every since I was young I have done things differently and against the norm. However, sometimes as adults we fall into conformity. This is also why I established my non-profit, Cultural Light Center to help youth not fall into this trap. We are in a time now that the planet requires something different. It took me awhile to realize that It was my responsibility to show up and give what had been innately put into me and not just duplicate the old paradigm that was going out. 2. Trying to do it alone. Knowing what I know now, I would not have wasted so much time and money trying to figure things out on my own. Everyone should invest in a coach; someone who is already demonstrating the life and business you desire to have. My business really shifted when I invested in a coach. And this is what I tell my potential clients, if you knew what to do wouldn’t you be where you desire to be by now.
Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?
I am a Womb Healer and Sacred Empowerment Coach. I specialize in helping women release fibroids but not just physically. I believe in healing on the soul level first. The # principle in my work is, Heal the Soul first and the rest will follow. There are four main aspects of a human being: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical. I start with the Spiritual and believe this is the root cause of any other ailment. Once you find out what is the spiritual block, the mental, emotional and physical blocks are easier to heal. As a womb healer I look at all the different messages of the womb going all the way back to the Original Womb and release all of the illusions of dis-ease. At the same time, the client and I come up with a personalized planned that also address their emotions, mindset and physical ailments. So I’m not your average V-steam practitioner. Our mission at Sacred Love Academy is to empower other women to become Sacred CEOs and have their own Sacred businesses. I truly believe if you heal a man you heal an individual, you heal a woman, you heal humanity. It is from her womb; her reproductive womb, the womb of her heart and the womb of her mind that bring forth all other life unto the planet.
What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?
Tap into yourself and find the keys to your unlimited potential. Don’t listen to anyone telling you it can’t be done. Maybe it hasn’t been done because you haven’t done it yet. Also, get a coach to help you to bring into fruition what you envision in your mind and heart.
Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
That’s easy, Freedom and Choice! The freedom to live the life I truly desire to live and having choices of how I would like to express that freedom.
What’s next for you?
To have a Wellness Spa in every region. I want to do my part of bringing to view more love, light, healing and harmony on the planet. To be a beacon of light and help my fellow travelers realize they are also beacons of light. Right now we are also doing a campaign to get my book, “A Diary For My Daughters: Passing The Keys To The Queendom” in the hands of every girl. We are asking mentoring groups, church groups, philanthropist, other non-profit groups and all who are helping with our youth to help in this effort.
Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?
Anyone who would like to connect or get more information can do so by going to my website:, you can email us at, and you can connect with me on Facebook @thesacredceo and Instagram @allisonamuhammad