Today we’d like to introduce you to AURÉLIEN ROY.
It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?
During years, I’ve seen people around me struggling with restrictive diets, super high-intensity trainings everyday, and finally giving up because it’s not a long term solution that works for all, not friends, family or even « life friendly », always having to say « no » to fit a low daily calories intake. Creating frustration. Constantly. But results are not coming from frustration, strict diet, or hours of training every day. That’s not a long term solution. For me, it’s not just about doing sport, eating greens everyday and sleep 8 hours. It’s about creating a real lifestyle, lifetime habits, and self love. I was frustrated too, to see all that efforts for finally no results. At this moment, I was not the entrepreneur you’re speaking with today. I was a fast-food employee and I felt really bad because I had this feeling of not being useful, not fulfilling my life mission, not helping people. From there, I gave myself a mission. I built an unstoppable motivation, and I built my vision. I decided to create a new way of thinking in that fitness industry, and help people – especially men, at first – to build an incredible physique with a very simple and easy-to-follow system. No gym, no equipment, just bodyweight. 3 times a week. No restrictive diet, just fasting.
I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?
That was not an easy mission : the road has been (and is still) long. And there is probably no end. I need more than one life, but I will continue, no matter what obstacles will be on my way, for a simple reason : Even if I can’t help everybody on this planet, I know that my vision will be shared. Yes, my time is limited. And yes, I can’t live forever. That’s why I’m investing all my time and energy not to create a workout program, but a movement. A movement that gonna help, that gonna be shared, even without me. I am here to impact the world, to change many ways of thinking, and help thousands – maybe millions – of people feeling better in their body, in their mind, in their life. Becoming unstoppable. Building a strong mindset to achieve all their goals, even the most crazy. Feeling confident every time, everywhere. This fitness industry has always been massively repeating « no pain no gain ». It’s not my vision. Working smart is much more powerful than working hard. Same concept apply in all the aspects of your life, even business. And changing thousands of people’s vision about fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle is not an easy thing. There is so many myths to destroy : « sugar will make you fat », « cardio is the best thing to do to lose weight »… NO. Let’s stop all that myths, let’s change the world.
Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?
I help men transforming their body and their mindset to become confident, strong, muscular and shredded, without going to the gym or doing a restrictive diet. During 12 weeks – and for a lifetime access to the course – I take every customer by the hand, step by step, through my most famous system, Body Master, that help them to work SMART, and not HARD. From there, a simple action in the morning (skipping breakfast to do fasting) and 3 home workouts a week are enough to start seeing amazing results. It’s not a « miracle program », I don’t believe in that. It’s an interactive and adaptative program that work for everybody : because you can change every exercise, from beginner to elite, to make the program perfectly match with your level, with your rhythm and with your ambition. It’s the combination of years of experimentation, learning, testing, that made me able to create that amazing system combining every action you need to reach your physique goal in a simple and easy-to-follow process.
What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?
The best advice I can give if you desire to find success in your life is… Go out of your comfort zone. It’s so easy to get caught up with life… that we can forget to live. It is increasingly common in today’s fast-moving world. We tend to get so focused on specific goals, deadlines or problems, that we lose perspective. It has probably happened to you at some point of your life. Your life starts where your comfort zone stops. Read that again. Your brain is constantly trying to keep you in your comfort zone. Take the control. How can you expect that something extraordinary happen, if you don’t do something that go out of ordinary ? Same actions, same results. If you’re not happy with the results you get, stop doing the same things, now. If you want your life to change, change your actions.
Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
Success is not about reaching the destination. It’s about enjoying the process. In my opinion, real success is not having millions of followers on social networks, or having millions of dollars in your bank account. You can be much more rich than that. For me, success is about finding your purpose in life. By purpose, I mean finding the perfect thing between what you are good at, what you love, what you can be paid for and what the world needs. If you find this precious point, you know where you want to go and why. And if you know where you want to go and why, you already won.
What’s next for you?
Next step is to make my vision even more visible, to help much more people. Many projects in my mind for this. I want to help people to reach their goals in several domain and create a new way of thinking in other niche than fitness. Next short term step is making much more videos on YouTube to help more people and inspire people and help them to build the life they deserve. In the next 3 years, I’m thinking about some projects – not especially fitness based – to impact the world, but I keep all that precious ideas in my mind.
Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?
Are you ambitious enough to take massive actions NOW to change your life ? If the answer is a clear YES, I’m waiting for you. You can easily find me on YouTube and Instagram at @aurelienroy – or on my website – But be careful : you’ll want to go out of your comfort zone. Are you ready for this life changing experience? Can’t wait to help you.