Today we’d like to introduce you to Katie Hornor.
It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?
First let me just say, thank you for having me. It’s an honor to be here. I am the Founder & CEO of FelizPreneur LLC and The Flamingo Advantage® brand.
I’m on a mission To transform the lives and businesses of 10,000 faith-led business owners by helping them create effective offers, systems and experiences so they can change the world with their message and have consistent resources to create a lifestyle and legacy of impact.
Twelve years ago my husband and I were barely surviving on the charity of others, Five years ago we were just a tiny coaching company with a handful of clients but we five x-ed our revenues during the pandemic years.
And thanks to a couple of best-selling books and an amazing team, we’re now serving coaches, consultants and service providers internationally through our unique Flamingo Advantage® Framework to leverage their uniqueness and achieve greater market visibility and client retention through improved client experience.
Last year we were named among the “Top 10 entrepreneurs to watch” by FOX, NBC and CBS and now we get to take our transformational info to the world through motivational speaking and our new Flamingo Advantage® Podcast.
I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?
The biggest challenge for me personally in growing the business was overcoming my fear of man. I had been conditioned to act upon whatever would get approval of others, not on what I knew was the right way or the best way for me to do things. I had to rediscover the truth that God created me to be creative, to love making things fun, to think outside the box, to find solutions that will help others be and do what they were created for. I had to shift my mindset from “what will others say?” to “I get to serve the world in this way.”
Much of that came from the decision to invest in myself and get the right coaches to support me in breaking through my limiting beliefs and creating a new way of life and business, like I am now privileged to do for my clients. My confidence only grew as I began to see myself as a flamingo, with a unique “stand out-ness” in the marketplace and a unique voice that I know will resonate with “my flock”. And I also now know that I don’t have to serve “everyone”. There are others out there specially created to serve the ones who don’t resonate with me. And this is how we all work together to change the world.
Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?
I use my proprietary Flamingo Advantage® Framework to get faith-led Coaches, Consultants and Service Providers to where they can enjoy the lifestyle and legacy impact they desire. Our bi-annual 3-day marketing events are a huge focus for our brand as well as our weekly show, The Flamingo Advantage® video and audio podcast.
I don’t sell mindset, though it is a throughline through everything I do because what you believe about God, your purpose on earth, and your business purpose is foundational to getting the right systems in place for growth. Many of our clients come to us acting and reacting from beliefs they’ve absorbed, not decided to hold as their own. In coaching, I get to help them seek out truth, renew their minds around it, and create new ways of doing business that align with the new beliefs, their core values and non-negotiables.
Our trainings focus on getting clients results in marketing and upleveling the client experience in their programs for greater client retention, happiness and ultimately to create amazing testimonials and raving fans. For instance, many businesses never give a thought to things like psychological safety, love languages, learning styles or celebration. This sabotages the rate at which they could scale. Some of my clients have been with me since the beginning. They have been able to create new businesses, move their families to other states or countries to their dream homes, retire spouses, open non-profits, and even become coaches themselves. The results have been incredibly rewarding.
What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?
I have two pieces of advice that I believe are KEY to creating success.
First, only you can define success for you. The news, the business ranking engines, the investment portfolio numbers don’t define success. You do. Decide what it means for you and go after it.
And Second, once you’ve defined it, seek out the ones who are where you want to be and become their best student. You and I, like flamingos, were not created to “go it alone” without a leader or a community. Flamingos who go out on their own, die. They need community, and you do too. A coach will be able to pull you out of your limiting belief and give you clear direction and guidance. A coach holds the greater vision for you and believes in what’s possible for you until you can believe for yourself, and a like-minded community holds your feet to the fire, they “get you” on your down days and cheer you on the good ones.
Do those two things and you can be successful today.
Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
Success for me has always been more about the people numbers than the financial ones. I define my personal success as being able to impact people daily and “live and give as God directs.” That means ordering my personal and business life in such a way that I am in tune with that direction, working in tandem with him to accomplish his purposes through me. I believe when I do that I am successful today and every day. It’s not something that is elusive out there in the future somewhere.
What’s next for you?
My focus is on impacting the lives of 10,000 faith-led business owners through our programs in the next 3 years. In the next 12 months, along with the new podcast, I will be doing a speaking tour of both online and in-person stages and really looking forward to that.
I am actively seeking more communities I can serve with the message that you are unique, you don’t have to hide who you are on the inside to be successful in business. You can have the confidence to show up as YOU and grow your income and impact in the world. I and my team are over the moon excited about the opportunity to serve more people!
Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?
Visit ( to request a free training, or subscribe to our audio or YouTube ( podcast episodes.