Today we’d like to introduce you to Alec Arnold.
It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?
My name is Alec Arnold I am a 25 year old entrepreneur. I grew up in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and knew I always wanted to be someone great. I always felt like God had big plans for me and I knew I could find my way. After graduating high school I moved to Houston to pursue being a music engineer/producer. I soon became that for Rap-A-Lot. Being around the likes of J. Prince & Rap-A-Lot I learned a lot about respect and how a boss moves. I knew I wanted that life for myself. My current business partner Jonathan Aguilar at the time was doing wholesale real estate. Making money by flipping contracts of houses using no money or credit. He was getting checks of $10,000-$30,000 at a time. He showed me the game and from there we became partners. Going from hustling every deal to now running a 7 figure real estate company with over 20 employees all in other countries while doing this from our houses. We truly have an amazing team that we have built and couldn’t have done it without them. We also now rent out exotic cars as well thanks to our partner Ethan Duran for showing us the game.
I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?
Everyone will think it was an overnight success. I actually didn’t close my first real estate deal until 9 months in. It was $5,000 to myself and at that time it was life changing for me. I had never seen that kind of money at one time. More deals came but I had to hustle every part of it. Speaking with sellers, buyers, title companies everything. Our heads were all of the place and it was simply too much work. I remember we had a seller that her house was going to auction the next day and she was about to lose everything. We had to risk 5k which at the time was a lot just to get an attorney to put a hold on the auction to then have time to turn around and sell it. We did and thank God we were able to help the seller just flat out lose her house. A lot of sleepless nights and more situations like this have happened. Anytime we fell down and lost deals we always got back up to come back stronger.
Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?
We understand the clients needs. We know homeowners selling is a big life move and we intend to make that as easy as possible for them. Doing what ever it takes to help. This business is all about the sellers. We are simply great at problem solving any situation. If we can serve them and make money for our company to bring home to their families nothing makes me happier.
What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?
Dream and think big! Nothing is impossible as long as your consistent and trust God’s plan for you I promise you will be successful.
Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
To me it’s much deeper than just money. It’s I am I operating in God’s gift to me? Am I serving to his kingdom? A life of success is a life with purpose. Doing this and taking care of my loved ones is success to me.
What’s next for you?
Like I said earlier we are now in the exotic rental car industry. I want to add more cars and of course continue to grow our real estate company. Eventually owning apartment buildings and flipping those. I also want to give back we do have a real estate course coming and my students becoming successful will be the biggest priority. More things as well – all apart of the road to becoming a billionaire.
Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?
Instagram is the best. My instagram is @wifialec