
How Does Patricia Baronowski-Schneider Of Pristine Advisers See Herself As Different From Her Peers?

Today we’d like to introduce you to Patricia Baronowski-Schneider.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I have been working in the investor relations, public relations, media relations and marketing field for 33+ years. I started as an Admin and worked my way up the corporate ladder. I love what I do, it is never the same boring task every single day. You never know what your day is going to be like until you open up your email. That keeps me on my toes.

I have always been a perfectionist and a go-getter and loved the challenge. Some people think that IR or PR or even Marketing is just doing the same tasks daily. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I love “being different”. What are others doing? How can we do it different? How can we do it better? What is the norm? What may be better? I am not afraid to try new things. I am not afraid to take risks. As a former skydiving instructor – that is obvious. I love taking on challenges and doing the best that I can with each adventure. That is what makes me stand out from the crowd.

I see the positive in most things. If something doesn’t work the way I thought – that’s ok. It gives me the push to think further and better. I’ve had clients follow me through various firms, to even when I stated my own firm. That shows that my dedication to my work is valued and appreciated. Clients success is MY success. That’s how I see it.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

I raised my two babies as a single parent, putting myself through college to work my way up the corporate ladder. It wasn’t easy, but I was determined. Especially working for a firm that was all woman (a handful of men) and none of the woman had children, so they never understood the struggles that I went through daily just even getting to work after dropping off my kids to daycare, etc. I was determined to work my way up the corporate ladder to enable me to grow in the firm and make enough money to support my kids and live a decent life. I was at the bottom of the totem pole, making minimum wage, with zero child support or government assistance. It wasn’t easy, but I was eager to make a life for me and my kids and that was the determination that I needed to push forward and succeed.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

Investor Relations, Public Relations, Media Relations and Marketing. To some, I am “all over the place” and should pick ONE niche. To me, while that would be easier, I feel it is necessary. For example, before starting my business, I went on job interviews. Companies touted “PR firms” yet merely did advertising, nothing more. Others touted “IR firm” and wrote annual reports or handled annual meetings, nothing more. I do so much more. I do everything from keeping dialogue with the investment community (investors, analysts and brokers) to answering toll-free telephone lines, to coordinating webinars and conference calls, to holding investment conferences, etc. I also promote my clients via social media and the press as well.

It is not a matter of just posting something on twitter. Who are your competitors? Where are they? Who’s following them? Do they know that you exist? Let’s introduce. Besides creating conversation, I comment on posts, and get clients names recognized. It is not easy and not a 1-2-3 job, but it is necessary.

I also run newsletters and industry specific webinars. I view all news to see what clients can comment on. It is not just a matter of getting an exclusive story, but if a reporter is running a story about Steel, for example, and my client is heavily invested in that space – then that is a perfect opportunity for him to be quoted as he/she heavily monitors that space and can offer insight.

No one else does all of this.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

I am an advocate for doing “more” and not less. Many I know do what is required, and nothing more. That is quite sad. I give clients way more service and way more hours than they pay for, but I also feel that their success is my success. People call me silly for this, but I am proud of my work. I’ve been with clients from the ground up, from either a bell ringing ceremony on the stock exchange, to the start of a restaurant or a newly published book or a business that was seeking seed-investors to start. I feel like a proud mother when I help these Companies and Businesses grow. I look back and feel proud to have been a part of it and work hard to make them stand out.

I’m not saying to everyone, “give work away for free” obviously. My advice is to stand out from the crowd. Don’t be mediocre – be better than everyone else.
I am “always” learning new things. Taking classes, either in-person before Covid or online, reading what is going on, what is new. The world is constantly moving and evolving and we can’t sit and let it pass us by. Learn every day, don’t be afraid to take chances.

Also, interact with people in higher positions than you. You will learn so much. Forget about egos, but always network and socialize and interact in the space you wish to be. Everyone knows “someone” and it will benefit you.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

I believe that success is completing a goal and being proud. I worked my butt off putting myself through college as a single mother of two babies, in a goal of creating a life for me and my kids and not having to struggle our whole lives the way we were. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from college, worked my way up the corporate ladder, I have two grown adults now who I couldn’t be more proud of, I have three grandbabies that I adore, I have my own business, I’ve helped countless Businesses and Companies succeed in the world, and I couldn’t be more proud. To me, THAT is success.

I’ve also had clients follow me through various firms, I’ve been featured in magazines and various press, I’ve landed cover stories on several magazines, I’ve won countless awards for my work, I’ve had people I don’t even know contact me for advice due to recommendations from others, so that to me, again, is success. While sometimes we don’t see it, the fact that others see it is a testimony to our success.

What’s next for you?

I will continue working and helping as many people as I can, growing my Company and promoting my clients both to the investment community and to the world as a whole. I will continue learning all that I can, challenging myself along the way, and take on any new tasks that come my way.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

Tel: 631-756-2486 | Fax: 646-933-0177

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