Today we’d like to introduce you to Alex Hadding.
Tell us about what you’re working on at the moment that you would love the world to know about. Give us as much detail as possible!
Our most exciting endeavor currently is a brand that we own called uBump. We claim it to be the “Future of Networking!” uBump was created to solve two key issues surrounding the outdated paper business card space:
1. More than 88% of business cards are thrown away within the first week of receiving them
2. But, these cards aren’t thrown away because they’ll never need your service, they just don’t need your service right now
With uBump, we solve these two major issues in modern day networking and in person leads, while additionally giving individuals and businesses alike the ability to keep the customization element of branding the uBump tag and their online uBump profiles.
Developed on NFC technology, uBump is able to communicate with phones held in close proximity to the user’s phone, say between 0-3 inches. A uBump user can store all necessary contact and networking details in his/her uBump profile, including but not limited to- contact details, website link, social media profile, art, music and more. When one has to share the details with another person, all he would have to do is to hold his uBump sticker close to the recipient’s phone. After that, uBump would send a notification to the recipient’s phone, which, when tapped, would open up the user’s uBump profile containing all contact information, social links and business resources that he/she chooses to share.
You can learn more about uBump here:
Is there anyone in your life you’d like to shout out that has helped you get to where you are? How have they helped you?
I’ve been self-employed and a serial entrepreneur now for the past 3 years. And as anyone will tell you in this space, it is tough. Not only is the success of your ventures solely dependent upon you, but you also take on the responsibility of making sure you provide for your team, your family, and any others you work with.
For me, I wouldn’t be where I am at today where it not for the people that I mentioned above. I’m currently the CEO of Bolstered Media, the Co-Founder of Bolstered Equity Group, and the CEO of uBump. These endeavors take up a lot of my time and it wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for my amazing family and co-workers. Specifically, my wife, Brandie Hadding. She is a blessing and honestly keeps everything together for all of us. My boys, Lincoln and Hampton, who provide me with the drive and inspiration to keep pushing on. And finally, my team we’ve assembled at Bolstered Media. These guys and girls are just as passionate as I am and are the real drivers behind the success of our companies.
Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with our audience?
One major element that I realized very quickly on in my entrepreneurial career was the importance of relationships. And not only having relationships, but nurturing those relationships and putting good out into the world.
Most of the success from our businesses have come from the connections, partnerships, and people we have worked with. We pride ourselves on these relationships because at the end of the day, what do you really have if all your chasing is material things?
If you could take anything away from my simple words of advice today, I would hope that this is that one thing. Focus on relationships. Focus on helping those that have helped you. No one does it on their own and I truly believe that when you put good out into the world, that good finds you again later on!
And speaking of relationships, I’m an open book. I want to connect with everyone and answer questions that others might have. Whether it’s about starting a business, or growing a company, or developing new practices, I want to support others because I have seen first hand just how important those people and mentors are.
Finally, how can people connect with you and learn more about what you do?
To connect with me is easy. I can be reached either by email at or through phone at (919) 279-7166