
Rise And Manifest With Success Nikii McBride

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nikii McBride.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

At the age of 12, I operated a popular hair salon from my mother’s kitchen. As a result of my cutting skills, clients were lined up to pay salon prices.

Let’s fast forward a bit. I joined the US Air Force as a Meteorologist. My hair skills followed me into the barracks. I learned that passion will pursue you. It escorted me back into the salon.

I spent 20+ years enjoying my passion and a lucrative 6 figure income as a “household name” salon owner.

I’m a serial entrepreneur, I’ve held eight professional licenses and certifications. I’m asked, “What empire are you building now?” They were puzzled by my ability to create success and pivot so easily. Honestly, I never took the time to ponder their inquiries. I was simply fearlessly executing my goals.

When I became a Certified Success Coach, I realized that my beliefs concerning my self-image and abilities had been consistent. You see, since I was 12, I believed that the only thing standing between me and my dreams was information and the way that I saw myself. Therefore, I read 1 to 2 books weekly, take premium courses, and hire the best coaches and mentors. Personal development and self-mastery have always been my priority.

For 25 years, as a successful, award-winning entrepreneur, I’ve assisted individuals with their personal development and self-mastery. It has been and will continue to be my passion to see individuals consistently and confidently realize their dreams, make an impact!

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

During my time in the military I witnessed a friend’s young life slip away. I also had to deal with complexities as a women in the armed forces. Having faith, a healthy self-image and resilience certainly helps in difficult times.

I experienced burnout due to a lengthy health scare due to Graves’. A proper diagnosis was a long time coming, but I was able to regain my health after a couple of years. While going through this health crisis, I was pivoting away from my first passion as a hairstylist.

During this season, I was driving on the freeway in the fast lane when my car ran out of gas, only to arrive home to discover the gas was off there as well. This was certainly a clear sign that “I was out of gas too”…. out of gas and burned out. I spent several days in prayer and meditation.

My mastery tools and strategies were born while in self-reflection and developed over a number of weeks. A life detox and personal reset shifted my life back into balance. I was refueled for my next level.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I coach individuals to unlock their next level of success and rise above the toxicity of their past, the reality of their pain, the limitations of their perceptions, and current prosperity. A life of limitless possibilities is locked within you.

I’m here to unlock it and bring you higher into purpose, power, pleasure, and prosperity! I use my proven mastery framework to get you results. I believe that balance, alignment, and a healthy self-image equate to self-mastery and massive success!

My proven strategies have assisted 100’s of hopeful, ambitious women to get results in their lives. I offer three mastery programs: a total mind, body, and soul detox to bring your entire life into balance and alignment; a quick, comprehensive personal reset; and a mental self-mastery program. My mastery programs were designed with the busy woman in mind.

I am able to seamlessly take you through my coaching programs based on your level of need in 3, 7, or 40 days. I also have bundle pricing for best friends and for your entire tribe if you wish. My clients are enjoying the added support while taking my programs with their friends.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

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1. ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????. Raise the value of your self-talk and the words that you speak over your life.

2. ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????. Procrastination is a silent goal killer. Write down 3 action steps each night: Complete them the next day. Audit your list each night. Place unfinished tasks at the top of the list on the next day. Rinse and repeat daily.

3. ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????????. Control your emotions. Massive action should not be contingent on your emotions. Move based on facts, not emotions. If you feel afraid, sad, discouraged, or defeated. Understand that those feelings are simply an indicator alerting you to find a strategy to rise.

4. ???????????????????????? ????????????????. Time is the most valuable thing and you should purchase it. Sages have said, “Once it’s gone, it’s gone.” But, scripture states that God redeems time for you. How? One method is to purchase the experience and wisdom of those who have gone where you want to go. Purchase the books, the courses, the mastermind, hire the coach, secure the mentor.

5. ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????. My Manifestation Formula:
Your Core Values + Your Belief System X Your Maximum Potential = You!
Please make every effort to ‘become’ before leaving this earth. Manifesting yourself is critical to your ultimate success and legacy.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

My “aha!” success moment was realizing that life isn’t about finding myself, it’s about becoming. Waking up and stepping into my day as my authentic self by honoring my core values has given me greater self-respect. Honoring myself has allowed me to know, love, and trust myself in spite of life’s happenings daily. Self-mastery has been the pinnacle of success for me, and it has taught me that when I manifest myself, I can manifest what I am willing to see.

What’s next for you?

I am looking forward to assisting my current and new clients to become the highest and best versions of themselves in 2022 and the years to come. It is my passion to continue to be a servant leader, certified success coach, transformational speaker, and entrepreneur.

Shall we rise?

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

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