Today we’d like to introduce you to Elder Dwayne Lopes.
It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?
Hello everyone, my name is Elder Dwayne Lopes, and I am an ordained minister and established author who was the former creator and host of a local, award-winning Christian television program entitled “The Light of the World, Armor Men of God”, but I also graduated Summa Cum Laude earning my bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Leadership Ministry and a Master of Arts in Practical Theology from Ohio Christian University. I am currently married to my beautiful wife Maria who is a nursing supervisor in this Covid pandemic. We have six wonderful kids altogether. Three biological whose names are Richard, DJ, and Diana, and three adopted kids whose names are Brittoria, Rayah, and Alexis as my wife and I are great foster parents. Our youngest daughter Alexis was diagnosed with autism. Therefore, I created and published two children’s books entitled “Once Upon a Rhyme in H-Town” and “Rhymetime”.The animal characters in the books are based upon each one of my child’s needs and represents their personality characteristics as it pertains to their social skills and musical gifts only to form a talented musical rap group called “Hashtag Six”. Also, I wrote an adult religious novel entitled “My Father’s Business” whereas I expound the Bible in profound yet practical ways. This book is jam-packed with information and explanations that would strengthen any believer’s faith and convictions. For one of the chapters discusses the Biblical meanings of various colors, and another goes into detail about the meaning behind certain number patterns in the Bible.
I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?
The challenges I had to overcome along the way in my life were physical challenges due to a genetic disease called Marfan’s syndrome. It is a loose connective tissue disorder that caused complete blindness in my left eye due to a detached retina. Sugar Ray Leonard had this happen to him once during his boxing career, but mine happened due to Marfan’s. Because of Marfan’s, I fell into a state of depression and started using drugs and alcohol as an outlet. I even started drug selling on the street corner. Not to mention I had to overcome thoughts of suicide and a failed marriage including the murder of my stepson due to gang violence. Also, I had open heart surgery when I was 30 years of age whereas the doctors had to repair a mitral valve between the upper and lower chambers of my heart, but by the grace of God I am still here.
Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?
I specialize in teaching and helping others to discover God’s will for their lives through reading and the studying of many books. I am also a visionary, designer, and go getter in life to make dreams of the impossible become possible. I am a living and walking testimony of what God can do if you truly believe him at his Word and obey him at his Word. I also have my own clothing line with Shopify called R.I.S.E. Therefore this R.I.S.E. acronym stands for Rise in Spiritual Education and my clothing products can be found on
What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?
My best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life is to first find your purpose and meaning in life by reading John 6:40 from the Bible then pursue not only higher academic education but pursue also spiritual education to help teach you the art of discipline as well as help developed your character and integrity. Create a vision board and write down vision goals for yourself, your family, and your career with short-term goals and long-term smart goals. Plus, be persistent and consistent with laser-like precision focus with much prayer and you will achieve success.
Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
The word success means to me obedience to God first and foremost and a lifestyle of discipline, for discipline can come in two forms and they are teaching and a form of punishment. I prefer to operate in the teaching discipline aspect when helping and serving others. Success for these public servant leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi came in the form of a disciplined lifestyle. For Jesus once stated, “Whosoever wants to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven must become a servant to all”. As an elder servant leader, I am first in line to serve others.
What’s next for you?
The next things in life for me are to publish four more children’s books for I have already published two and these last four will complete the ongoing series of new adventures for each animal character. I also want to possibly pursue a PhD in Divinity and hopefully one day create a Christian movie about my life with Voyage Media. Furthermore, I will be publishing two more religious novels for adults entitled “God’s Mathematics” and “The Left Hand of God”.
Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?
If people want to connect with me and they want to learn more, I can be reached on Instagram at dwaynerobertlopes or Facebook at Dwayne Lopes and all my books can be found on or Barnes and God bless!